Nutritional Food Charts

What is food Combining?

The principles of food combining  refers to the combination of foods which are compatible with each other and are dictated by digestive chemistry. Different foods require different digestive enzymes to aid in the digestive process - some acid, some alkaline.

Food combining is a basic component of optimal nutrition because it allows the body to digest and utilize the nutrients in our foods to their full extent.

Correct food combinations are important for proper digestion, utilization, and assimilation of the nutrients in our diet.
Improper food combining often leads to poor absorption of nutrients, indigestion, bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort.
Advocate the following principles:

Proponents of Food Combining to adhere to:

1. Only eat one type of protein per meal.
2. Eat proteins and acid foods at separate meals.
3. Eat proteins and sugars (fruit) at separate meals.
4. Eat proteins and fats at separate meals.
5. Eat starches and acid foods at separate meals.
6. Eat carbohydrates meals and proteins at separate meals.
7. Eat starchy foods and sugars (fruit) separate meals.
8. Eat melons alone - do not combine well with other foods.
9. All fruits are best eaten alone.

Alkaline Food Chart

Principles of The Raw Food Diet

A raw foods diet includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods, like plants, and living foods like sprouted beans and grains. Fruits, vegetables and raw nuts round out the list along with non-dairy alternatives like almond milk, rice dream, coconut water and coconut milk.  These high-nutrient foods are credited with promoting increased energy and strengthening the immune system due to the presence of good bacteria. 

A typical raw food diet includes; fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, grains, dried fruit, fresh juices and seaweed. These foods can be sprouted, juiced, soaked, blended or dehydrated using a special dehydrator that does not heat the food above 116 degrees Fahrenheit.