Friday, May 21, 2010

Colon Hydrotherapy verified by Dr. Janet Beaty, N.D

Janet Beaty, N.D., Took Training in Colon Hydrotherapy
“My original training in colon hydrotherapy was
when I administered it twenty-five years ago as part of my
massage therapy program and that training went a lot deeper
when I attended Bastyre University. I was one of several
Instructors in colon hydrotherapy at that naturopathic
College,” says Janet Beaty, ND, whose practice is in West
Concord, Massachusetts. “Now I don’t own the physical
facilities for doing it in my office but I regularly refer patients
to a competent nearby colon hydrotherapist.

“My experience with the treatment is totally positive. I refer
people to have it when they are constipated because
their colons are not fully emptying and bringing on GI
discomforts of some kind. My sense is that the patient must
empty out old waste products so that there is no interference
with healing modalities,” states Dr. Beaty. “I am using colon
hydrotherapy as my beginning treatment for detoxification,
particularly for patients with congested bowels. While I focus
on the gastrointestinal aspects of colon hydrotherapy, I also
prescribe it for the treatment of allergies, arthritis, and other
health difficulties.

“If I had my druthers, I would get all of the patients with
any health problems on colon hydrotherapy.  Why I don't
is because it entails the payment of cash-out-of-pocket and
some people find the concept too ‘kinky’ even to imagine
doing it,” Dr. Beaty says. “Yet, probably most patients should
receive at least one colon hydrotherapy during the course of
taking care of themselves. It is a very helpful tool for nearly
any patient in order to get the bowel peristalsis to work. A
effective technique for stimulating such peristalsis is to start
out with giving colon hydrotherapy using warm water and
gradually decreasing the water temperature as treatment
continues. This lower temperature tends to stimulate the
bowel muscles. The cold temperatures cause good peristaltic
action for a retraining of the bowel.

“The ideal treatment program I follow is that from
four to eight weeks the patient receives colon hydrotherapy.
This time frame is necessary for unloading a bunch of toxins
from the liver. Here is a typical case history: a thirty-sixyear-
old patient, Mrs. Cynthia Mangie, had experienced
several ectopic pregnancies which resulted in her having a
number of miscarriages and ending with chronic
endometriosis. Also, she had her belly sliced into many times.

Her caesarian pregnancies left her with too much scar tissue
so that now the endometriosis must be managed without
further surgery,” says Dr. Janet Beaty. “The solution to my
patient’s problem of endometrial pain is to take a colon
hydrotherapy one week before her period. The pain is then
reduced markedly because her usual premenstrual
constipation is prevented. With the bowel clean, Mrs. Mangie
has more room in her belly. She currently takes colon
hydrotherapy routinely for improving the quality of her life.”

Resources: Value of Colon Hydrotherapy Verified By Medical Professionals
Prescribing It -Townsend Letter For Doctors and Patients Aug/Sept 2000

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